Suicide & Self-Injury Consultation Group

Who: This consultation group is intended for any mental health providers (therapists, peer support specialists, healthcare workers, trainees, etc.) working with suicidal or self-harming clients. Whether you work in private practice, a large medical center, or psychiatric inpatient unit, providers from a variety of workplace settings and experience levels will be welcome.

Why: We sometimes find this population challenging for a variety of reasons, including feeling inadequately trained, emotional demands (e.g., anxiety or grief related to losing a client), systemic barriers, insufficient support from colleagues, and more. The purpose of this group is to tackle these challenges as a team, bringing together a nonjudgmental community of providers who:

  • Consult - discuss questions around client risk, treatment approach, and other clinical concerns

  • Support - explore the impact of our own emotional reaction, lived experience, and stigma on clinical care

  • Learn - increase our knowledge of best practices and exchange resources for helping this population thrive in the long term

The ultimate goal of this group is to have an extra buffer against burnout and improve the quality of care we provide to this population.

When: Our next meetings are below and will be virtual unless otherwise stated:

  • Friday, September 27, 2024 at 11AM

  • Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 12PM

  • Wednesday, November 20, 2024 at 12PM

  • Wednesday, December 18, 2024 at 12PM

If you are interested in potentially joining this consultation group, please answer the questions below or email me directly. I welcome your input!