Dr. Erin Carney, PhD

I am a licensed psychologist who values working with individuals, couples, and families impacted by suicide and commonly associated concerns, such as depression, anxiety, self-injury, psychosis, mania, post-traumatic stress, and identity-related stress (gender, sexual orientation, ethnic/racial). I am experienced in working with high achieving individuals, such as musicians, legal and healthcare professionals, veterans, students, and entrepreneurs, who are struggling with these issues. My clients tend to be people who tell themselves they “can’t keep living like this” and are cycle-breakers eager to replace old patterns with something more meaningful.

My clinical and research experiences have focused on suicide and self-injury throughout the lifespan (early teens thru late adulthood). I’ve worked with clients across the continuum of care, including outpatient clinics, intensive outpatient programs, and inpatient psychiatric units. Practicing in each of these settings has helped me to better understand what level of care or treatments you may find most helpful for your mental health recovery journey.

My Therapy Style

With individuals, I tend to use mindfulness-based approaches to therapy (Acceptance & Commitment Therapy - ACT; Dialectical Behavior Therapy - DBT) but I also have specialty training in suicide focused interventions (Collaborative Assessment & Management of Suicidality -CAMS; Cognitive Therapy for Suicide) and trauma-focused interventions (ACT for Trauma; Cognitive Processing Therapy - CPT). With couples, I use the Gottman method to support you and your partner's ability to reconnect, communicate, and resolve conflict in a healthier way. With families, I use Attachment Based Family Therapy to repair ruptures between parents and their teen/adult child, especially if your relationship has been impacted by your child’s depression, suicide attempt, gender identity, and/or sexual orientation.


On a personal note, I am a Filipina-American who grew up in a military family that moved several times before settling in the midwest. As a result of this background and my training, I have been exposed to a wide range of cultures and belief systems, and I welcome therapy clients with a myriad of worldviews. Ultimately, as someone with lived experience of suicide loss and attempts, you can expect me to blend the nerdy science of psychology with humility and humor to support you in building a more meaningful life.


  • Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology - Tennessee State University (Nashville, TN)

  • M.S. in Psychological Science - Western Kentucky University (Bowling Green, KY)

  • B.S. in Neuroscience - University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI)

  • Predoctoral Internship at Cleveland, OH Veterans Affairs Medical Center

  • Postdoctoral Fellowship at Murfreesboro, TN Veterans Affairs Medical Center